インド、ムンバイからGuru Jhelum Avinash Paranjape女史と、
18時開場 18時30分開演(19時45分終演予定)
名古屋国際センターNIC 別棟ホール
名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1 名古屋国際センタービル
ア. 手洗い・うがい、マスクの着用を徹底する
English below↓↓*****
ICCR sponsorship artist
Guru Jhelum Avinash Paranjape and
Odissi dance troupe Smitalay
Special Odissi dance recital in Nagoya
This program is entry free and also
non reservation required .
(100 people only)
【date】5th October,2022(Wednesday)
18:00 open door
18:30 start program
19:45 finish program
Nagoya International Center(NIC)
Annex hall
Nagoya-shi Nakamura-ku Nagono 1-47-1 Nagoya International Center Building
⚫︎Subway Sakurado-ri line “Kokusai center”station nearby
⚫︎7min walk east from “Nagoya station”
【for more informations】
【presides organization】
Embassy of India VCC,Tridhara Japan,ICCR
<In this performance, we will implement measures against infectious diseases in compliance with the guidelines of the venue. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. >
① Thoroughly wash your hands, gargle, and wear a mask
②People who have seen a doctor or taken medicine for fever or cold symptoms within the past 2 weeks, or who have traveled abroad (including those who have come into close contact with people who have returned to Japan within the past 2 weeks) will not be allowed to visit.
3. Check your temperature at home before visiting, and do not come if you have subjective symptoms such as fever (37.5 degrees or higher or 1 degree higher than normal), shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, or fatigue.
④Avoid actions with a high risk of infection, such as talking in a loud voice, eating and drinking at the venue and indoor common areas (excluding hydration to maintain physical condition).
⑤ Cooperate in securing contact methods such as temperature measurement at the time of entry and declaration of contact information in order to enable infection tracking surveys when it becomes clear that an infected person has used the facility.
⑥ If it becomes clear that an infected person has used the facility, cooperate with the infection tracing survey conducted by the Health Center. Also, if you become a close contact person, follow the instructions of the health center, etc.